Read Read about it, heard about it, seen about it, never felt about it, and never wrote about it… Lots of opinions are made, quotes, stories, movies, it’s all over, it seems to be everywhere, and with th monsoon season around, seems love is in the air…
So much has been written on love, so I thought it would be my turn, to showcase something on this four letter word.
LOVE, what is it, a feeling, a emotion, if talked it in as a whole, it considers the parental love, sibling love, but I’m not talking about it, I’m talking about the romantic love, but what’s so different about it.
The difference I find about this emotion between two people is, that each relation has its own essence and meaning be it with you with your father, mother, sister, brother or friend but this relation includes each essence, it has a person who cares like a mother, supports like a father, fights like a sibling, enjoys with you like a friend, romances like a lover, respects you like your child and just be with you like your soul mate.
I don’t believe in love at first sight because two people can love each other from first sight, it requires an attachment, a bonding, a relation. It can be attraction or initiation at first sight but never love, basically it needs time, it’s sown by attraction, fertilized by friendship, grown by7 understanding and then it becomes strong enough to compromise and sacrifice happily even without realizing, and you are happy doing it.
Few lines read by me about love;
LOVE is when you compromise without realizing, when you act without thinking, when you smile without reason, when you cry but not for your own pain, when you check someone’s zodiac before yours, when you pray for someone before yourself. When you start seeking lonely moments, when you even a dead leaf touched by someone, when you save your pocket money to buy someone’s favorite thing, when you divide yourself in two halves and start seeing the other half in someone else.
I feel it’s something divide, celestial, which existed and still does and will continue to do so. Change is something which has not left love also but some aspects still don’t change.
A lifelong commitment might have changed to social status of falling in love again and again, it has become necessary to shout to the world that you are in love, something which is so delicate, so between you, can never be talked, never shown, it is visible without being spoken, without being heard.
Love is when you being in a group, might not hold each other’s hand, or not even sit together but your eyes still don’t lose a chance to just meet. It’s when after the age of 50 your husband finds anyone more beautiful than you. It’s when you are watched with same adoration at your ugliest. It’s when you love the each word sung for you though not in tune. It’s when your heartbeat increases watching a romantic song and you can’t imagining yourself with your partner and it just brings smile on your face.
HMMmmmm, this is love, but what is it for an girl or say for today’s world the girl who is single, who wants to mingle meaning wants to be with the perfect one. For her love is when she has someone in her dreams, for whom she can challenge the world. May be not Mr. Tall Dark Handsome but someone whose words are enough, whose every flaw she can overlook.
And when that girl falls in love, he becomes her world. She might never praise him at his face but at his back he’s cutest then shaahid and ranbir. And if that person leaves her life toh dil mein bus yhi tamannna hoti hai kash usse gale laga ke ro sakti.
प्यार न जाने क्या एहसास है,
दूर रहकर भी कोई दिल के पास है,
फिर भी क्यों उस से हर पल मिलने की आस है।
वो है तो ज़िन्दगी है साँस है,
हाथ थामे वो तो सब कुछ पाने का विश्वास है।
रूठ जाए वो तोह उसे मानाने का आगाज़ है,
झगड़ पड़े तो आसुओ की फिर जैसे बरसात है,
फिर गले लगा के मुस्कुरादे तो निहारने में फिर कोन बाज है।
प्यार वो सब से खूबसूरत एहसास है.........