Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Love Is In The Air

Read Read about it, heard about it, seen about it, never felt about it, and never wrote about it… Lots of opinions are made, quotes, stories, movies, it’s all over, it seems to be everywhere, and with th monsoon season around, seems love is in the air…

So much has been written on love, so I thought it would be my turn, to showcase something on this four letter word.

LOVE, what is it, a feeling, a emotion, if talked it in as a whole, it considers the parental love, sibling love, but I’m not talking about it, I’m talking about the romantic love, but what’s so different about it.

The difference I find about this emotion between two people is, that each relation has its own essence and meaning be it with you with your father, mother, sister, brother or friend but this relation includes each essence, it has a person who cares like a mother, supports like a father, fights like a sibling, enjoys with you like a friend, romances like a lover, respects you like your child and just be with you like your soul mate.

I don’t believe in love at first sight because two people can love each other from first sight, it requires an attachment, a bonding, a relation. It can be attraction or initiation at first sight but never love, basically it needs time, it’s sown by attraction, fertilized by friendship, grown by7 understanding and then it becomes strong enough to compromise and sacrifice happily even without realizing, and you are happy doing it.


Few lines read by me about love;

LOVE is when you compromise without realizing, when you act without thinking, when you smile without reason, when you cry but not for your own pain, when you check someone’s zodiac before yours, when you pray for someone before yourself. When you start seeking lonely moments, when you even a dead leaf touched by someone, when you save your pocket money to buy someone’s favorite thing, when you divide yourself in two halves and start seeing the other half in someone else.

I feel it’s something divide, celestial, which existed and still does and will continue to do so. Change is something which has not left love also but some aspects still don’t change.

A lifelong commitment might have changed to social status of falling in love again and again, it has become necessary to shout to the world that you are in love, something which is so delicate, so between you, can never be talked, never shown, it is visible without being spoken, without being heard.

Love is when you being in a group, might not hold each other’s hand, or not even sit together but your eyes still don’t lose a chance to just meet. It’s when after the age of 50 your husband finds anyone more beautiful than you. It’s when you are watched with same adoration at your ugliest. It’s when you love the each word sung for you though not in tune. It’s when your heartbeat increases watching a romantic song and you can’t imagining yourself with your partner and it just brings smile on your face.

HMMmmmm, this is love, but what is it for an girl or say for today’s world the girl who is single, who wants to mingle meaning wants to be with the perfect one. For her love is when she has someone in her dreams, for whom she can challenge the world. May be not Mr. Tall Dark Handsome but someone whose words are enough, whose every flaw she can overlook.

And when that girl falls in love, he becomes her world. She might never praise him at his face but at his back he’s cutest then shaahid and ranbir. And if that person leaves her life toh dil mein bus yhi tamannna hoti hai kash usse gale laga ke ro sakti.

प्यार न जाने क्या एहसास है,

दूर रहकर भी कोई दिल के पास है,

फिर भी क्यों उस से हर पल मिलने की आस है।

वो है तो ज़िन्दगी है साँस है,

हाथ थामे वो तो सब कुछ पाने का विश्वास है।

रूठ जाए वो तोह उसे मानाने का आगाज़ है,

झगड़ पड़े तो आसुओ की फिर जैसे बरसात है,

फिर गले लगा के मुस्कुरादे तो निहारने में फिर कोन बाज है।

प्यार वो सब से खूबसूरत एहसास है.........

Saturday, September 25, 2010



As in someone who u knows is u and only u. Not part of something else like an organization or a family, or अ community. Of course all that is imp., but there is a need of every woman has to be who she is. For that u need to take sum total of your wants and longings, of your success and failures ,of the secrets u shared n the ones u hide away, of the things u have done n those u wanted to do, of the things u know 1 day u will do, come what may. U must take the sum total of these n add to it the reading u have done, the learning u have done............ From books from life, n from those older than u n younger then u must put them all together n let them sit for months. Then take out the portion n examine it. Is it u?

Simply, individually u? Without prejudice, it is!


It could be god, baby or dog. It could be your creation or another’s. But in loving u will negate your ego will forget who u are, your wants, and needs, and all the other petty things that make u feel there is certain dissatisfaction in life. Love makes wonders happen, unconditional love makes miracles! And u will experience the miracle of ring that happens. Little wonder motherhood is so valued, but seriously, unconditional love can find an anchor anywhere.It's worth the experience.


Could be a hot piping dish, could be a poem, a baby, a thank card. Creation is something that takes u to next plane, however simple the product is the act of creating it is metaphysical, perfection. It is the act that brings u closest to god, as god was the first creator. Sounds complicated and very 'high funda'? Don’t believe us? Well, ask anyone who is making a meal, she will tell u that behind the stress is joy, the mind takes a pause from everything else as the senses delight in the aromas and the fingers touch and feel shapes and textures: ask a seamstress making a child's bib and she will tell u that every stitch brings her closer to a feeling of competition, of giving of herself.

Creating is easy; even a mud castle that u know the waves or the rain will wash away gives pure joy. And if u create or dedicate it to someone, well, that is ecstasy!


Grudges, insults that rankle, slights that unbelievable remark that hit home, u don’t need them. Life is too short to waste on these, and those who delivered the hurt r not worth remembering. Grudges grow into mountains that crush us under their weight, and let the notes take wing and float your grudge on it into the ether. U will feel lighter. And happier, and your heart will find space to do all the other things it can, happily and in a fulfilling manner.


Nothing is impossible. Climb that hill, walk that mile, find that song u always wanted to write, work, that acre, grow flower,(not in the farmville ok) plant trees, teach others(just guys like me) find your inner beat , your real rhyme...........Do what your heart tells u to do. It will make u happy; it will make others the happier for being around your happiness. No one needs to live in fetters, just, as the line goes, do it. Learn to fly, we all have our wings, if only we look hard enough, we will find them!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bidding bye to college life........

कुछ छूट रहा है,
जैसे दिल थोडा सा टूट रहा है,

आगे बढ़ते कदम कुछ निशा छोड़ रहे है ,
दम भरते अरमा नया आसमा ढूंढ रहे है,
पर दर्द है उन छूटते खुशाल लम्हों का,
बाहों में भरे उन आसुओ उन गमो का,

बीते लम्हे कुछ यादो का,
CCD में बिठाये उन पलों का,
उम्मीद से भरी उन आँखों का,
कॉलेज की सीढिया चढ़ती उन उखड्ती सासों का,
पोडियम को पकडे उन थरथराते हाथो का,
फ़ोन पे गोस्सिप करती उन बातो का,
GT पे चढ़ते उन कदमो का,
बीच बीच में आते रहते उन सदमो का,
जूनियर्स की मस्ती उस प्यार का,
छेड़ते चिढाते उस व्यवहार का,

अब छूट हा है साथ अब उन हमकदमो का........

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Precious Gift To Me

जो है , हमारे दिल में… उसे ही दोस्ती कहेंगे हम …

जैसा प्यार आपने दिया , ऐसे प्यार को अब तरसेंगे हम …

“दूरिया करती होंगी लोगो को अलग , दिल तो हमेशा साथ रहते है ,

कुछ लोग यादो में , बातों में आपके पास रहते है , ऐसे ही यादो में आपको बसाए रखेंगे हम”

जैसा प्यार आपने दिया , ऐसे प्यार को अब तरसेंगे हम

“आपसे ही सीखा प्यार निभाना , सीखा रिश्तो की अहमियत को ,

रहते हुए सपनो में जाना ज़िन्दगी की हकीक़त को ,

अब ये सबक कैसे सीखेंगे हम ”

जैसा प्यार आपने दिया , ऐसे प्यार को अब तरसेंगे हम

“कोई आपसा मिलेगा लगता नही , हर बार खुशकिस्मत कोई होता नही ,

देना चाहते है ज़माने की ख़ुशी , पर प्यार के सिवा मेरे पास कुछ भी नही ,

आपके लिए सदा दुआ करेंगे हम ”

जैसा प्यार आपने दिया , ऐसे प्यार को अब तरसेंगे हम

“वैसे जानती हु में मेरा नसीब , दूर होता है जॉब ही है मेरे करीब,

पर ऐसा कुछ कह के ना आपके दिल को दुखायेंगे हम,

इतने दिन तो साथ थे , यही सोच के मुस्कुराएंगे हम ”

जैसा प्यार आपने दिया , ऐसे प्यार को अब तरसेंगे हम

Thanks a lot Priyanka, i feel glad n lucky for ur this gesture. Luv U :)

Friday, May 14, 2010


Someone who cares,

Someone who’ll always be there.

My friend, philosopher, guide,

A well wisher who’ll always take my side.

Someone whom I trust,

By being in touch just.

Someone who makes me cry,

But does talks a lot to wipe those tears dry.

Someone who makes me laugh,

Someone who pulls my leg,

Someone who motivates me to do my best.

Someone who says keep going,

And leave to me the rest.

Someone who always makes me feel special,

And wants my life free of hassle.

Someone who doesn’t understand me at times,

Someone who cheers me, turning sweet those limes.

Someone whom I respect,

And wanna say sorry if I hurt you in any aspect.

Someone whom I’ll always remember,

Be it the brightest or darkest of my chamber.

Even you are special, you are a pride,

I’m a well wisher, though at times can’t be by your side……..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

They just passed by........

हर घडी बदल रहा है रूप ज़िन्दगी

छाव है कही, कही है धुप ज़िद्नागी

So true, so realistic expression, it’s something that I relate to each phase, each change and transition of life.

May 6th 2010, the last day of my PG college, it could have been the most memorable day, it was but not the way it should have been.

A lot could have happened over a coffee, as it used to be, but it didn’t.

Still the moments were cherished, leavings things far behind.

The journey of my PG started from September 8, 2008, where I started with least expectations from a government institute, lacking a modern outlook, a old infrastructure, where there were whiteboards still the blackboards accompanied them, some old chairs, some broken ones, air conditioners were the need but everyone satisfied themselves with the open windows. The building and the spiral staircase with those hard stone walls, with bats hanging, pigeons roaming just gave a feeling of a jail as in constructed by the kings, emperors or may be britishers….

But getting above all this my aim was to learn, infrastructure didn’t meant much, as faculty ws good, better than some private ones here, and especially Professors like Kalpana Mam, an awesome teacher, a learned experienced person, and just an outstanding, intelligent, inspiring and beautiful human being.

Remembering the starting days, where unity was the motto against the TANASHAHI of seniors, but slowly the over small issues the class was divided and no one ruled.

Government institutes lack discipline, I would rather say the autocratic behavior and follow the democracy policy and with everything happening for the students and by the students, gives birth to politics, it was realized by us, where a political game was played to postpone the exams, ruin our training period, which could have been a life time experience, our first step towards practical life. Atrinnd the anger filled in hearts due to this, just crushed the broken pieces into bits and pieces.

Then came a phase where we became seniors, entry of notorious, ever smiling, leg pullers, and our super enthusiastic juniors. In front of them, I doubt we have showed off our seniority, it was in fact is a healthy friendship, time(waqt) flowed like sand with them, we struggled, we worked and enjoyed and learned a lot with each experience with them be it their fresher’s, conference and most importantly our farewell ( I loved the title of Miss DMS ;) :))

But along with the farewell phase came a phase where my thought that we all have fared well was proven wrong A phase of emotional breakdowns, misunderstandings and reality checks, it feels as if relationship cycle follows the pattern of PLC (Product Life Cycle)

We came across lots and lots of parameters, love, affection, trust, truth, hopes, realization, priorities, patience, anger, grudge and many more…. Each parameter was s much attached, so much weighed on friendship, that friendship , the relation, lost its own meaning, just couldn’t bear this weight it tried a lot to hold but……………

The moments of laughing together, pulling each other’s leg, teasing around, being chivious and chirpy, playing truth and dare, revealing truth, predicting future with predictions chit game, walking upstairs to college, walking down the GT lane, hanging out at CCD, making each birthday a fun moment, clicking pictures, सब उस दिन बस याद बन कर रह गए………

कोशिश की कुछ जोड़ने की,

बीती बातो को छोड़ने की,

पर कहते है रिश्ते रेशम की डोर की तरह होते है,

एक बार टूट जाए,

चाहे सोचे गिठान के साथ ही जी लिए जाए,

पर वो गिठान भी नही टिकती….

Time has passed and will pass by, who’ll be with you and who won’t be, you’ll never know.

Someone has rightly “Everyone feel that they are always right” Yes, because one can feel the pain within, no one other can, your tears do show that you are hurt but you haven’t seen the other ones crying that doesn’t mean they are not in pain.